新关注 > 信息聚合 > 《瘟疫公司》将推出同名桌游 上帝视角新玩法

《瘟疫公司》将推出同名桌游 上帝视角新玩法

The plague company will launch a board game with the same name New play god's perspective

2016-03-16 22:26:45来源: 逗游网

Ndemic Creations打造的策略游戏《瘟疫公司》曾在移动端和PC端掀起了一场病毒毁灭世界的热潮。近日开发商宣布《瘟疫公司》将推出同名桌游,与移动版的上帝视角玩法不同,玩家在桌游版将化身一种瘟疫,以第一人称视角在世界范围内扩散。 桌游版游戏允许最多5人参与,这意味着5种瘟疫将...

Ndemic Creations to build strategy game "plague company" once in the mobile terminal and PC raised a hot wave of a virus to destroy the world. Developer recently announced the plague company will launch the same board game, and mobile version of the god play different perspective, the player will incarnate a plague in the board game section, in the first person perspective spread throughout the world. Board game version allows up to five people in game, this means that the 5 kinds of plague will...