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《杀手Online》新版本酷炫来袭 优惠活动火爆开启

"Killer Online" new version of cool incoming promotions hot open

2016-07-25 17:30:59来源: 4399

《杀手Online:推理之都》又有大更新啦,7月25日新版本来袭,全面优化更新给你带来不一样的体验。还有精彩的优惠活动等你来参与哦,还在等什么,快来加入我们! 一.优化更新 1.新的开场连环画;...

Killer Online: The Capital of Reasoning has been greatly updated, with a new version coming in on July 25, and a comprehensive optimization update that gives you a different experience. There are also wonderful promotions, waiting for you to participate. Oh, what are you waiting for? Come and join us! First, optimize and update 1. new opening comics;