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Pay attention to children with autism: lovely "mong tsai, remember to go to school

2017-04-02 17:46:18来源: 中国新闻网

中新网福州4月2日电 (林玲)4月1日早上6点,张欣迪准时从梦中醒来。她轻轻推开儿子“旺仔”房间的门,却发现他早已睁开双眼。“早上好,儿子!”“早上好,妈妈!”新的一天,就这样开始了。 张欣迪在...

Beijing, fuzhou, April 2 (xinhua kinki) 6 a.m. on April 1, Zhang Xindi woke up on time. She gently pushed open the son "mong tsai, the door of the room, only to find that he had opened his eyes. "Good morning, son!" "Good morning, mom!" A new day, it is so began. Zhang Xindi in...