新关注 > 信息聚合 > 游戏微侃 软饭索饭撕逼侃E3大展-索尼篇

游戏微侃 软饭索饭撕逼侃E3大展-索尼篇

McCain game micro soft rice rice rope tear forced McCain E3 Exhibition - Sony article

2015-06-10 13:20:26来源: 新浪

E3大展下周就将拉开序幕!今年又有哪些精彩?电玩君三少已经提前开始阵营战了。今天就来给大家介绍索尼今年都准备了些什么样的精彩内容,神海4?战神新作?索尼大量出彩的第一方大作想必是不会少的!更有VR眼镜墨菲斯闪亮登场!电玩君三少的相互撕逼,一边等E3吧! 2015E3精彩看点:微软篇 ...

E3 exhibition next week will be kicked off! What are the wonderful? Video game Jun three has been in advance of the camp and the war. Today to introduce SONY this year have prepared what kind of wonderful content, God sea 4? The new God? A large number of Sony color of the first party as presumably not less! More VR glasses Morphis debut! Video game Jun three little tear each other, while waiting for E3 bar! 2015E3 highlights: Microsoft...

标签: 游戏 索尼