新关注 > 信息聚合 > 苏宁易购提前八天八夜大放价 打响促销大战

苏宁易购提前八天八夜大放价 打响促销大战

Suning Tesco in advance for eight days and evening put price started promotion war

2015-09-22 19:54:58来源: 天极网

对于实体家电零售行业来说,金九银十都是每年的重头戏。中秋、国庆也将接踵而至,商场店铺新货密集上架,夏季清仓促销战打响。但受公众出游的影响,线上电商在中秋、国庆等节假日往往处于冷场尴尬期。 但是,...

for entity home appliance retail industry, the golden nine silvers ten are the highlight of the year. The Mid Autumn Festival, national day will come one after another, the new shops crowded shelves, summer clearance promotional war started. But because of the impact of public travel, online business is often awkward awkward period in the Mid Autumn Festival, national day and other holidays. But,...