新关注 > 信息聚合 > 重庆文科头名选北大 理科状元选清华(图)

重庆文科头名选北大 理科状元选清华(图)

Chongqing liberal arts winners choose peking university science scholar choose Tsinghua (Figure)

2015-06-30 06:34:43来源: 新浪

理科第一名 张瑞珈 报考 清华大学建筑专业 文科第一名刘楠枫 选择 北京大学光华管理学院 提醒>接到录取通知书之前,填志愿时留下的电话保持畅通 家长要多关注考生情绪,对发挥...

science first Zhang Ruijia enter oneself for an examination the Tsinghua University architecture arts first Liu Nanfeng Peking University Guanghua School of management for selecting a remind > received the admission notice before, fill in the volunteer when leave phone unblocked parents to pay more attention to the examinee mood, to play...