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今夜舜天站着离开天体 “恒大克星”就是他们

Tonight sainty stood left objects "Hengda Nemesis" is their

2015-04-27 00:25:14来源: 新浪

“恒大克星”今夜昂首离开天体 新浪体育讯 北京时间4月26日,中超联赛第7轮,江苏舜天客场挑战中超霸主广州恒大,舜天将士们再次用一场令人信服的表现让昔日的“恒大克星”回魂。在天河魔鬼主场,上半场...

Hengda Nemesis "tonight proudly left objects of sina sports news Beijing time on April 26, Super League Round 7, Jiangsu Shuntian away game challenge super overlord Guangzhou Evergrande, sainty soldiers again with a convincing performance so that the former" Hengda Nemesis "resurrection. In the Milky way the devil at home, in the first half...