新关注 > 信息聚合 > 直辖18年,重庆楼市成全国榜样


Municipalities directly under the central government for 18 years, the property market in Chongqing as the example

2015-06-19 09:07:09来源: 华龙网

18年前,重庆房地产一直跟在广州、深圳、上海的屁股后当学生,而今天重庆房企早已纷纷杀向全国,重庆楼盘已成为全国楷模。 18年前,重庆楼盘开发规模不起眼、市场有限,而今天重庆已成为发展最为稳健的市...

18 years ago, Chongqing real estate has been in Guangzhou, Shenzhen, Shanghai ass with when students, and today housing prices in Chongqing have already have killed to the nation, Chongqing real estate has become a national model. 18 years ago, the Chongqing real estate development scale is small, the market is limited, and today Chongqing has become the most stable development of the city...