新关注 > 信息聚合 > 沙盒端游大作 上古世纪手游版或于明年上线

沙盒端游大作 上古世纪手游版或于明年上线

Sandbox end tour for ancient centuries hand travel edition or on-line

2015-08-18 11:05:44来源: 多玩游戏

去年11月,曾经制作了《剑灵》、《TERA》等大作的韩国研发商XL GAMES宣布将与游戏公司GAME VIL联手将其旗下大作《上古世纪》改编推出手游版,并预计将在近期内公布相关内容。据悉,手游版的《上古世纪》有可能被做成大型手机网游,或者是体现原作主要特征的RPG手游。 近日,韩国手...

next year last year November has created a "sword of the spirit", "Tera" and the Korean developer XL games announced that it will with our VIL game company teamed up to its masterpiece the ancient centuries "adapted launched hand Tour Edition, and it is expected that the content will be released in the near future. It is reported that the hand travel version of the ancient century is likely to be made into a large mobile phone games, or is the main feature of the original RPG hand travel. Recently, South Korean hand...

标签: 手游