新关注 > 信息聚合 > 再续15年经典 国民魔幻RPG手游《奇迹MU:觉醒》新版本将于3.20上线

再续15年经典 国民魔幻RPG手游《奇迹MU:觉醒》新版本将于3.20上线

Renew 15 years national classic fantasy RPG mobile game "miracle MU: awakening" the new version will be in patch 3.20

2018-03-21 00:00:00来源: 人民网

由15年前风靡国内的端游经典IP改编,腾讯游戏独家代理的全新MMO官方正版奇迹手游《奇迹MU:觉醒》于3月20日迎来新版本的重磅上线!这款备受玩家期待的国民级魔幻RPG手游推出市场后成绩亮眼,一度位居全球App Store游戏收入榜第七名,成为仅有的两款进入TOP10手游新作,展现出产品强劲的爆发力实力,掀起一股全民魔幻热潮。 《奇迹MU:觉醒》上线前就已备受玩家期待,不删档不限号测试期间势如劈竹获得破千万预约量,加诸超越手游极限的华丽画质、官方用心的精细化运营以及系列品牌营销活动,短短时间吸引了广大RPG玩家的关注,为游戏卷入更多新进玩家打下基础。 本次版本新升级,《奇迹MU:...

15 years ago by the popular swim classical IP based on domestic end, tencent the sole agent of new MMO game official licensed miracle tour "miracle MU: awakening" hand on March 20, usher in the new version of the blockbuster online! It's players are looking forward to the national level the fantasy RPG marketed hand swim after achievement bright eye, once the world's App Store list seventh game revenues, become the only two paragraphs into the top 10 hand book, show a strong explosive strength, set off a upsurge of universal magic. "Miracle MU: awakening" launched by players look forward to, don't delete file unlimited number such as split bamboo get broken during the test potential must reservations, add beyond the limits of mobile game gorgeous image quality, the official attentively the refinement operation and a series of brand marketing activities, a short span of time has attracted the attention of the RPG players, lay the foundation for the game to get involved in more new players. The new upgrade version, the miracle MU:...

标签: 手游