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Hero beggars struck! "Eight 3D" Denon today a new version of the beta

2015-04-02 18:39:07来源: 多玩游戏

畅游(NASDAQ:CYOU) 正式公布旗下首款3D武侠MMORPG手游《天龙八部3D》,产品将于今日正式开启全新资料片“丐世英雄”公测,官方活动同期开启;赶快再次举起丐帮的大旗开辟全新武侠纪元,雁门关共抗敌军避免第二次“雁门关惨案”的发生,打通各个经脉感受不一样的武侠感受。 畅游公...

Tour (NASDAQ:CYOU) officially announced its first 3D martial arts MMORPG Mobile Games Denon "eight 3D", the product will be officially opened today a new piece of information "" hero "beta, the official opening activities over the same period; hurry again raised the banner of development of beggars the new era of martial arts, Yanmen pass against the enemy to avoid the occurrence of the second" Yanmenguan Massacre ", open up various channels do not feel the same sense of martial arts. Swim...