新关注 > 信息聚合 > 吉安膝盖受伤非预赛成疑 或缺席与恒大天王山战

吉安膝盖受伤非预赛成疑 或缺席与恒大天王山战

Ji'an knee injury non preliminaries into doubt or absent and Hengda Kings Mountain battle

2015-09-05 22:49:22来源: 网易

据《加纳足球网》披露,吉安在加纳国家队比赛期间膝盖受伤,已铁定缺席与卢旺达的非预赛。或许影响下周与恒大的天王山战役。 网易体育9月5日报道: 本周二,加纳男足与刚果男足在布拉柴维尔进行了一场友谊...

according to the disclosure of the Ghana football, Ji'an in Ghana to play for the national team during a knee injury has been absent ironclad and Rwanda's non preliminaries. May affect next week with the rival of the king of the mountain. NetEase sports September 5th reported: on Tuesday, Garner's and the Congo soccer team played a friendly in Brazzaville...