新关注 > 信息聚合 > 三伏首日热浪滚滚 山东等27省发高温补贴(图)

三伏首日热浪滚滚 山东等27省发高温补贴(图)

Dog day heat wave rolling in 27 provinces of Shandong and other high subsidies (Figure)

2015-07-14 13:01:39来源: 青岛网络电视台

“让人窒息的‘桑拿天’来了! ”昨天是入伏第一天,轻雾伴着高温,人不活动浑身都冒汗。岛城各大浴场自然成了市民游客纳凉的好去处,纷纷开启了“下饺子”的模式。昨天,记者从市气象台了解到,市区最高气温34...

"suffocating 'sauna days'!" Yesterday was the first day of the volt, mist with high temperature, not all sweating activities. The natural beach Castle became a good place for tourists to enjoy the cool air, have opened the "dumpling" model. Yesterday, the reporter learned from the Municipal Meteorological Observatory, the city's highest temperature 34...