新关注 > 信息聚合 > 张亚东:孙杨状态接近巅峰 对手强大挑战艰巨

张亚东:孙杨状态接近巅峰 对手强大挑战艰巨

Zhang Yadong: Sun Yang state close to peak strong opponent daunting challenges

2015-07-20 20:26:50来源: 华体网

孙杨资料图 昨天,中国游泳队举行了27日出征喀山游泳世锦赛前的最后一堂公开训练课,并且公布了男25女26共51人的世锦赛运动员名单。在焦刘洋因为胃病缺席世锦赛、叶诗文的脚伤或多或少影响了状态的情况...

sunyang data yesterday, China's swimming team held the 27 expedition Kazan swimming world championships before the last class open training courses, and the male female 25 26 51 announced World Championships - player roster. In the absence of World Championships, Jiao Liuyang because of stomach Ye's foot more or less affected the status of...