新关注 > 信息聚合 > 斯皮思触碰约翰逊战利品 飞机上拿着葡萄酒壶饮酒

斯皮思触碰约翰逊战利品 飞机上拿着葡萄酒壶饮酒

SPIs touch Johnson loot on the plane with wine drinking pot

2015-07-23 01:20:22来源: 新浪

斯皮思用葡萄酒壶喝酒 新浪体育讯 北京时间7月23日,冰球运动员有一种迷信,除非赢了,否则他们是不会触碰斯丹尼杯(Stanley Cup)的。乔丹-斯皮思,却不怕小鬼作祟,虽然他没有在第144届...

SPIs in pots of wine drinking of sina sports dispatch Beijing time on July 23, the ice hockey players have a superstition, unless win, otherwise they are not touch, Danny cup (Stanley Cup). Jordan - Spieth, is not afraid of ghost mischief, although he was not in the 144th session...

标签: 葡萄酒