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Novelty gift, seconds kill web celebrity? Wayward wine underwear

2016-04-25 11:06:07来源: 亿邦动力网

这种紧身"内衣"材质含95%棉,5%弹性纤维,售价9美元,紧裹750毫升装葡萄酒瓶与香槟瓶。事实上,葡萄酒"内裤"的实用性并不大,但发明者Mark Pahlow是专门为具有幽默感的葡萄酒迷们设计的礼物。Pahlow说:“Vinderpants非常适合晚宴及盲品,可以为两美元廉价酒穿上这种内衣。”Vinderpants现在Archie McPhee网站销售。The Mark Pahlow于1983年创建了Archie McPhee公司,专门销售稀奇古怪的产品,从带有烤肉味的空清新剂到纸杯蛋糕式的牙膏、苦艾酒肥皂。公司还制作超搞怪的内裤手套(将内裤套到手指上...

This tight & quot; Lingerie & quot; Material containing 95% cotton, 5% spandex, priced at $9, tightly wrapped in 750 ml of wine and champagne bottles. In fact, wine & quot; Underwear & quot; Practicality is not big, but the inventor Mark Pahlow is specially designed for wine enthusiasts have a sense of humor. Pahlow said: "Vinderpants is very suitable for dinner and blind tasting, can wear the underwear for two dollars cheaper wine." Vinderpants now Archie McPhee website sales. The Mark Pahlow created in 1983, Archie McPhee company, specializing in sales of unusual, from air freshener to cupcakes with barbecue flavor type of toothpaste, absinthe soap. Company also produce ultra whimsy underwear gloves (underwear to finger...

标签: 葡萄酒