新关注 > 信息聚合 > 6种气味暗示你 葡萄酒可能出问题了

6种气味暗示你 葡萄酒可能出问题了

Six kinds of odor that wine you might be a problem

2015-12-02 09:29:46来源: 中国新闻网

正常情况下,一瓶葡萄酒应该是包装无损,开瓶后香气迷人。然后,如果葡萄酒中出现一些“异味”,那你可要小心了,这瓶酒可能出现问题了。那么,这些异味有哪些呢? 正常情况下,一瓶葡萄酒应该是包装无损,开...

normal and a bottle of wine should be is the packaging intact, after opening the bottle with enchanting fragrance. Then, if there are some "peculiar smell" in the wine, you may have to be careful, this bottle of wine may be a problem. So, what are these peculiar smell? Under normal circumstances, a bottle of wine should be non packaged, open...

标签: 葡萄酒