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三文鱼配葡萄酒 没有更美味的了(组图)

Salmon, wine no more delicious (Photos)

2015-09-30 14:30:10来源: 中国新闻网

对三文鱼,白葡萄酒并不是唯一的搭档。使用不同烹饪方法、不同佐料制作的三文鱼佳肴,在配酒上可以有很灵活的选择。下面让我们一步步解析三文鱼配酒的学问。 三文鱼是一种味道浓郁,油脂丰富和纤薄可口的鱼类...

of salmon, white wine and is not the only partner. The use of different cooking methods, salmon dishes made in different seasonings, wine can have very flexible choice. Let us step by step analysis of salmon with wine. Salmon is a full-bodied, rich and delicious fish oil slim...

标签: 葡萄酒