新关注 > 信息聚合 > 数字中国吴鹰:人工智能离泡沫还很远 需要更大泡沫

数字中国吴鹰:人工智能离泡沫还很远 需要更大泡沫

Digital China Wu Ying: artificial intelligence is far away from bubble also needs a bigger bubble

2017-04-02 09:38:31来源: 新浪

新浪科技讯 4月1日晚间消息,2017中国(深圳)IT领袖峰会于4月1日-2日在深圳举行。 中泽嘉盟投资基金董事长、数字中国联合会主席吴鹰在接受新浪科技专访时表示,目前中国人工智能领域没有泡沫。...

Dispatch of sina science and technology on April 1 evening news, 2017 China (shenzhen) IT leaders summit on April 1-2 held in shenzhen. Ze jia, chairman of the African union (au) investment fund, digital China, President of Wu Ying told sina science and technology in an interview, no bubble at present in China the field of artificial intelligence. ...