新关注 > 信息聚合 > 京东启动法国馆全年欲卖750万瓶葡萄酒


Jingdong start the France Pavilion annual to sell 7500000 bottles of Wine

2015-02-04 17:30:52来源: 亿邦动力

京东“法国馆”设立后,京东将通过自营直采和邀请法国品牌商入驻等多种方式,引进包括法国品质红酒等在内的法国特色商品。 据悉,京东法国馆现已上线了红酒、食品、化妆品、服饰等品类,涵盖拉菲、迪奥、香奈儿等高端品牌,上线初期将采取5折销售。 法国经济委员会主席勒努瓦先生、中国驻法大使馆经济及...

Jingdong "France Pavilion" is set up, Jingdong will be sold by the direct mining and invited the French brands in a variety of ways such as the introduction of quality red wine, including France, French special goods. It is reported, Jingdong France Pavilion is now online wine, food, cosmetics, clothing and other categories, covering Lafite, Dior, Chanel and other high-end brands, the early online will take 50 percent off sales. Economic Commission of the French President Mr. Lenova, China Embassy in France economic and...

标签: 京东 葡萄酒