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指尖玩转权利游戏 《冰与火online》携京东卡等你..

Fun right finger game "ice and fire online" join Jingdong cards for you..

2015-11-04 09:47:50来源: 4399

11月3日《冰与火online》终于要首发啦!作为首款3D触控RPG手游,以全球最火爆的“冰与火之歌”为题材,原汁原味又好玩! 不仅每天可以通过刷定量酷炫副本来获取最高阶装备,更首创章节式解谜玩法让玩家逐步融入七大王国争夺铁王座的战乱之中,身临其境的体验一场权力的游戏! 现在只要下载...

11 month 3 days "ice and fire online" finally to start! As the first 3D touch RPG mobile games, to the world's most popular "ice and fire song" as a theme, authentic and fun! Not only a day to the brush quantitative cool copy to get the high order equipment, is also the first chapter puzzle gameplay allows players to step into the Seven Kingdoms war for the iron throne, immersive experience of a game of Thrones! Now just download...

标签: 游戏 京东