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禁断之子降临 无尽战区莫德雷德发布

Forbidden sub come endless theater Mordred released

2015-11-04 10:37:10来源: 新浪

导语:网易自研3D动作MOBA《无尽战区》将于11月20日破焰封测,今日《无尽战区》再次发布新英雄,他就是禁断之子——莫德雷德。下面将为大家带来莫德雷德的传奇故事与技能介绍。 背景故事 莫德雷德是亚瑟王的私生子,拥有高贵的皇室血统,历经圣杯战火洗礼,成为一名骁勇无畏的骑士。由于被...

Intro: Netease research 3D action MoBa "endless war" will be on November 20, breaking flame beta. Today the endless war zone again released new hero, he is forbidden sub - Mordred. Here will be to bring the legendary story of Mordred and skills. Background story of Mordred is Arthur's illegitimate son, have noble royal descent, after the baptism of the Holy Grail War become a brave dauntless knight. Because of being...