新关注 > 信息聚合 > 玩家为网易端游新作《代号:战》取名


Internationally to Netease end tour new "Code: War, named Sina

2015-11-04 11:52:11来源: 新浪

由不鸣科技研发,网易代理,年度最受期待端游新作《代号:战》已于上周公布官方悬念站 http://z.163.com/ ,并公开举办了征名活动,引发了玩家的热烈讨论。数千名玩家踊跃参与为新游《代号:战》取名,才华横溢,各有千秋,定制属于自己的战争时代! 《代号:战》由国内最“彪悍”的游...

by sound science and technology R & D, Netease agent, the year to look forward end of the tour, a new" Code: War "has been in last week released official suspense http://z.163.com/, and publicly held the zhengminghuodong, sparked a lively discussion internationally. Thousands of players to actively participate in named travelogue "Code: War, talented, strengths and weaknesses, customize your war era! "War" by the code: "tough" tour...

标签: 玩家 网易