新关注 > 信息聚合 > 强!国外玩家靠《星空》预告片镜头反向推导游戏地图


Strong! Foreign players rely on the "starry sky" Trailer lens to deduce the game map in reverse

2022-07-06 12:36:38来源: 游戏时光

由 Bethesda 开发的《星空》尚未发售,但一位玩家已通过实机演示镜头反推出了游戏中的部分星域地图。这位玩家名为塞巴斯蒂安·沃豪森(Sebastian Werhausen),他是一名程序员。在观看《星空》演示时,沃豪森发现官方给出了 6 秒钟的星域地图镜头。在此基础上,沃豪森开始推导游戏内各星系的位置信息,再现星域地图的数据。如今,沃豪森已经发布了相应的 3D 地图浏览程序,名叫 《星空导航器》(Starfield Navigator)。玩家可以下载该程序,感受星系之间的距离。(《星空导航器》截图)沃豪森还放出了《星空导航器》的演示录像,他表示录像中包含七颗已命名的恒星,其中三颗(Sol,Alpha Centauri 和 Porrima )是真实存在的,它们的位置信息也用于该地图的校准。此外,沃豪森提到

"Starry sky" developed by Bethesda has not yet been released, but a player has launched some star maps in the game through real-world demonstration lens. This player is called Sebastian werhausen, and he is a programmer. When watching the demonstration of starry sky, warhausen found that the official gave a 6-second shot of the star map. On this basis, warhausen began to deduce the location information of galaxies in the game and reproduce the data of star domain map. Now, warhausen has released a corresponding 3D map browsing program called

标签: 游戏 玩家