说起游戏主机就不得说从4月一直火到现在的viaplay电视游戏机—魔棒! 魔棒电视游戏机凭借“全球最小设计、海量大屏游戏、炫酷跨界玩法”3大特性一经登陆国内最大智能众筹平台京东众筹就受到国内外玩家和媒体的追捧,仅仅用了26分钟就100%完成了众筹目标, 首日业绩更高达520%!截至上线...
speaking of console games will not say from April has been the fire to now viaplay TV game machine - magic wand! Magic wand TV game machine with "global minimum design, large screen games, cool cross-border play" 3 big characteristics one by landing the largest intelligent public raised platform Jingdong chips by domestic and foreign players and the media in hot pursuit, in just 26 minutes 100% completion of the public to raise the target, on the first day of the performance is more up to 520%! Up to the line...