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猛兽出击 《小小魔兽》经典坐骑大盘点

Attack beast "it's a small world of Warcraft" classic horse market point

2015-07-15 20:57:33来源: 不凡游戏网

猛兽与萌兽齐出击,进可攻敌退可卖萌,上至刀山下至火海畅通无阻,想要获得灵巧的它们就在人气魔兽ARPG手游《小小魔兽》!游戏中的坐骑系统让长途跋涉不再艰难,无论是战力爆表英姿勃发的野兽还是萌动可爱的宠物龟龟,在这个魔气缭绕的艾泽拉斯大陆中都可找到它们收于座下! 还记得炫酷的熊猫人风筝么...

beast and adorable animals together to attack, into can attack the enemy retreat can sell sprout, to under Mt. Shangdao to flames unimpeded, to be dexterous them in popularity of Warcraft hand ARPG Tour "small demon animal"! Game of mount system for long no longer difficult, both combat power burst table heroic bearing thrives the beasts or germinating lovely pet tortoise, in this magic gas filled Azeroth can find them closed at a! Remember cool panda kite Mody...