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《轩辕剑之昆仑镜》公布剧情 《天之痕》全新手游..

The Xuanyuan sword Kunlun mirror published story "Tian Zhihen" new travel..

2015-08-14 13:44:38来源: 新浪

轩辕剑正版手游《轩辕剑之昆仑镜》首度公布剧情 大宇信息旗下子公司《玩拾科技股份有限公司》今日宣布由大宇研发团队开发的首款ARPG手游正式命名为《轩辕剑之昆仑镜》,并首度曝光游戏剧情及系统画面。本作是延续经典的《轩辕剑参云和山的彼端》故事内容,打造华人手游大作的专属剧情与游戏战斗模式。...

Xuanyuan sword genuine tour the Xuanyuan sword Kunlun mirror "published for the first time plot Daewoo information on its subsidiary the play pick up Technology Co., Ltd." announced today by Daewoo R & D team to develop the first hand ARPG tour officially named the Xuanyuan sword Kunlun mirror ", and for the first time exposure game story and screen system. This is the continuation of the classic "Xuanyuan Jian Shen clouds and mountains of Peter ends the story and build Chinese tour exclusive story and game battle mode. ...

标签: 手游