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来自《海航王 启航》制作人的一封信

From the king of Hai Hang sail "producer in a letter

2015-08-14 12:13:15来源: 不凡游戏网

尊敬的《刀塔传奇》玩家朋友: 您好!冒昧来函,是为了邀请您与我们一起完善《航海王 启航》这款游戏。因为,您和我们一样,经历过世界级大作的洗礼,有着眼于世界的目光。您所熟悉的《刀塔传奇》改编自世界级网游巨作,我们的《航海王 启航》也是以世界著名人气动漫《航海王》(ONE PIECE)为背...

respect" Legend of the knife tower "internationally friends: Hello! I take the liberty of the letter, in order to invite you to join us in the "sea king set sail" this game. Because, you and us, have experienced the baptism of the world class, have a look at the eyes of the world. You are familiar with the knife tower legend "is adapted from world-class giant online games, we" Sea King sail "is to the world famous popular cartoon" Sea King "(one piece) is back...