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京味评书传人马岐收徒 李金斗呼吁传统回归(组图)

The Beijing style storytelling successor Ma Qi Shoutu Li Jindou appealed to the traditional regression (Photos)

2015-03-10 10:23:37来源: 人民网

人民网北京3月10日电 (赵青)醒木一拍道不尽金戈铁马,嬉笑怒骂说不完人生百态。昨天(3月9日)下午,老舍茶馆三层小剧场里,75岁的京味评书名家、评书非遗传承人马岐举办收徒仪式。新收的七位徒弟、一位义子中有学生,有白领,有国企员工,也有本行弟子,年龄大都三十岁上下。 下午1:30,收...

people.com.cn Beijing on 10 March, (Zhao Qing) a pat Peter wood not as much as a symbol of war in ancient China, ridicule said not over life. Yesterday (March 9th) afternoon, Lao She Teahouse three small theater, a 75 year old Beijing storytelling masters, Intangible Cultural Heritage Inheritance storytelling Ma Qi held ceremony shoutu. Seven disciples, the newly harvested a son in the students, white-collar, a staff of state-owned enterprises, also have the disciple, mostly under the age thirty years old. Afternoon 1:30, charge...