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iphone小圆点怎么设置 中国iphone用户爱用小圆点

IPhone dots how to set up a Chinese iPhone users love said with a small dot

2015-05-17 10:38:42来源: 东北网

美国专栏作家发文说,中国人用iPhone很奇怪:用辅助快捷键Assistive Touch功能(小圆点),拖动按钮快速操作,完全不碰Home键。“他们担心不断按压Home键损坏很快,而苹果手机对中国...

columnist for the United States issued a document, Chinese people use iPhone is very strange: auxiliary shortcuts assistive touch function (dots), drag the button operation is fast, don't touch the home button. "They are worried that the Home key is constantly pressing, while Apple is on the phone...