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温雅巴黎时装周闪耀全场 衣品太好被“批评”

Gentle Paris Fashion Week audience sparkling clothing products too good be "criticized" before

2015-11-04 17:49:51来源: 广西新闻网

日前,知名主持人温雅发布一组巴黎夜拍大片,美如油画。 温雅参加完巴黎时装周,马不停蹄受邀来到上海时装周和北京国际时装周,这期间最受关注的莫过于其在巴黎发布的一组夜拍时尚大片,温雅在其中的姿态和造...

, well-known host Wenya released a group of Paris night film, the United States, such as painting. Gentle attended the Paris fashion week, non-stop invited to Shanghai Fashion Week and the Beijing international fashion week, during this period the most attention of nothing better than the released in Paris, a group of night fashion shoot large, gentle in the attitude and made...