新关注 > 信息聚合 > “花心”B站,要钱不听呵儿


"Flower heart" B station, want money don't listen to ah

2018-11-08 10:46:12来源: DoNews


Articles from the public number: understand understand notes (ID: dongdong_note), the author: on the left bank now, before the meal begins appetizer menu, B stand by two giant "dot" at the same time. In a month ago, B station announcement said "tencent a price of $12.67 per share, subscribe B station new common stock". After this deal, tencent, at the cost of $317.6 million in cash investment in its stake to 12%, making it second only to B standing chairman Roy (18.3%) of the second largest shareholder. At the same time, the strategic financing is tencent launched the upgraded first high investment. Just two weeks, on October 25 B station again announced: cooperation with tencent, focused on the copyright, investment, games, transport business in three aspects. In addition, tencent said it will also discuss with B standing in the game through more possibility of cooperation. In little phenomenon common domestic Internet market, by means of this...