新关注 > 信息聚合 > 别闹了,淘宝人脸支付并不那么安全


Come on, Taobao face payment is not so safe

2015-03-18 09:47:31来源: 中国信息产业网

摘要: 尽管人脸识别技术已经在考勤、安防等领域使用,但这一技术仍有诸多安全隐患。所以,支付宝推出人脸识别技术还需谨慎对待,毕竟这是人脸识别在支付领域的首次试水。 在德国汉诺威CeBIT展会开幕式上,阿里巴巴集团执行主席马云发布并现场演示了一种支付认证技术:人脸识别支付技术。通俗地说,以...

Abstract: Although the face recognition technology has been used in attendance, security and other fields, but the technology still has many security hidden danger. So, pay treasure to roll out the face recognition technology still need to be treated with caution, after all, this is the first test the water face recognition in the field of payment. In the German Hannover CeBIT exhibition opening ceremony, Ma Yun of chairman of executive Alibaba group released and a live demonstration of a payment authentication technology: face recognition payment technology. Informally, to...