新关注 > 信息聚合 > 战力淬炼之路 傲天《传奇世界》H5打造系统介绍

战力淬炼之路 傲天《传奇世界》H5打造系统介绍

Warfare refinement A proud day world of legends, H5 build system is introduced

2018-11-09 00:00:00来源: 人民网

傲天传奇世界H5里,玩家们想要提升自我就不得不面对“打造”这一非比寻常的系统。在系统中,我们需要经历各种打造方式来不断提升和改变自我。一个不小心,昨天还不如你的小伙伴今天早已把你超过了,尽管看上去大家等级都差不多。不用怀疑打造系统对于个人战斗力的影响,也千万不必惊讶,它能将你战力带上另一个崭新的高度。今天就一起来看看傲天传奇世界H5中的打造,到底能带来哪些不一样的价值? 进入打造系统,首先看到的是强化、升星和宝石,作为江湖上并称打造三大手段的修炼方式,各自有着不同侧重。简要看一下,小编强化了武器装备,攻击力立马增加了21,战斗力也增加了6。我们所希冀的绝对不是将其中一个,就强化+1那么...

Legend in the world of H5 proud days, players want to improve yourself will have to face the "build" a unusual system. In the system, we need to experience all kinds of creating ways to improve and change yourself. One not careful, it is better to your friend yesterday already take you more than today, although look everyone almost level. There is no doubt that make for individual combat effectiveness of the system, also do not surprisingly, it can force you take another new height. Today just take a look at the proud day world of H5, can bring the value of which is not the same? Entering the building system, first see is strengthening, and precious stones, as the river and make the way of uniting the three means, each has a different focus. A brief look at the small make up to strengthen the weapon equipment, attack immediately added 21, fighting capacity has increased by 6. What we hope is definitely not the one, would strengthen + 1 so...

标签: H5