新关注 > 信息聚合 > 《天天风之旅》隐形人最佳装备搭配推荐


"The wind every day journey" invisible best equipment collocation is recommended

2015-07-16 12:44:58来源: TechWeb

天天风之旅隐形人最佳装备搭配推荐给玩家,隐形人虽然是杀戮流派角色,但是它的技能偏向于杀怪加分,而不是杀戮模式加分,看看天天风之旅隐形人最佳装备搭配。 1、缤纷橙子——这款装备在杀怪加分方面绝对给力,虽然不如最近登场的小钢侠满级装备,但是起码成本是比小钢侠满级装备要便宜多的。而且三橙子的...

daily wind brigade invisible best equipment collocation recommend to the players, invisible man, although the genre role in the killing, but it skills bias to kill strange points, and not to kill bonus mode to see every day the wind brigade invisible best equipment collocation. 1, the equipment in the colorful orange -- killing points is absolutely awesome, although not as small steel man full level of the latest equipment, but at least cost is cheaper than a small steel man full level equipment. And three oranges...