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不止有3D巨鲲 《太古封魔录》加入万众期待的异兽系统

More than a giant Kun 3 d "swire vengeance on evil" join the much-anticipated animals system

2018-05-29 00:00:00来源: 人民网

《山海经》记载了许多极具神秘感奇异怪兽,让读者了解了古时候的生态环境和古人对一些未知事物的理解和想象,当然也为游戏制作人提供了无尽的遐想。3D古典仙侠手游《太古封魔录》将在6月8日首发,首发版本中将加入新奇的异兽系统,以山海经等怪兽为原型,让玩家体验驯服异兽,热血封魔! 不知道从什么时候开始,大家就乐此不疲的开始了创造、改造异兽。比如,各种刷屏的鲲游戏广告:“开局一条鲲,进化全靠吞”,“ 鲲之大,一锅炖不下”,“满级化神龙”等等……大抵也是满足了大家的猎奇心理。但游戏点进去一看,基本上和这些异兽也没啥关系。 《太古封魔录》的异兽系统,就是为了真正满足玩家获取异兽的需求。在游戏的首...

Shanhaijing recorded many extremely mysterious strange monster, let the reader understand the ancient ecological environment and the ancients understanding of some of the unknown and imagination, of course also provides game producer with endless reverie. Classical XianXia 3 d mobile game "swire vengeance on evil" will be started on June 8, starting version novel animals will be introduced in the system, such as seas monsters as the prototype, for players to try to tame animals, blood to seal the magic! Don't know since when, we just enjoyed the beginning of the creation, the transformation canines. For example, all kinds of brush screen Kun game advertisement: "start a Kun, evolution on swallowing all", "Kun, no less than" a pot of stew, "full level dragon" etc... Generally is also satisfied everyone's curiosity. But the game point into a look, and these animals are basically do not have what relation. Swire vengeance on evil system of animals, in order to truly meet the needs of players for animals. In the first of the game...