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美容 O2O 行业研究报告发布 格局初定

Beauty o2o Industry Research Report released an initial pattern of

2015-10-19 18:56:21来源: TECH2IPO创见

自河狸家以美甲为切入点打开美业 O2O 市场后,美业 O2O 市场迅速升温,除美甲 O2O 外,美容 O2O 因其高客单价、高频次也引发众多企业竞相入场。目前,美容 O2O 平台大致分为两类:以河狸家为代表的全美业 O2O 平台,涉足美甲、美容、美发等美业的多个领域;以小美到家、美容总监等为代表的垂直 O2O 平台,专注于上门美容领域。日前易观智库发布《中国上门美容市场专题研究报告 2015》,针对目前国内美容 O2O 市场进行了详尽分析。数据显示从 2010 年波波网成立并开启美容 O2O 服务模式后,到 2014 年美容 O2O 已有河狸家、小美到家、美容总监、白鹭美等 APP 获得融资。...

beaver home to nail as the breakthrough point to open the beauty industry o2o market after, beauty industry o2o market rapidly warming, in addition to the nail o2o, beauty o2o because of its high off the price, high frequency also led to many companies competing in the field. At present, beauty o2o platform divided as two types: the beaver as the representative of the national industry o2o platform, involved in the nail, beauty, hairdressing and beauty industry fields; Mei home, beauty director as the representative of vertical o2o platform, focus on door-to-door beauty field. Recently Analysys released "Chinese home beauty Market Research Report 2015", according to the current domestic beauty o2o market detailed analysis. Data show that from 2010 Bobo nets set up and open beauty services o2o mode, to 2014 beauty o2o existing beaver home, home to Kenny, beauty director, egrets beauty app to obtain financing. ...