新关注 > 信息聚合 > 魔兽电影来袭,你以为一张电影票就足够了?


Warcraft movie, do you think a movie ticket is enough?

2016-05-30 17:11:37来源: 不凡游戏网

让玩家等待十年之久的魔兽大电影已定档于6月8日正式登陆国内院线,艾泽拉斯的小伙伴们做好了观影准备了吗? 什么? 主线已经忘得七七八八?(不是死忠粉吧!)角色名称已经搞混?(常有的事!)根本就没玩过?(这……) 别急,趁着离上映还有十多天的时间,我们一起来梳理一下大电影的背景故事,然...

For players to wait for ten years, the movie is set file formally on June 8 in domestic theaters, azeroth's friends to prepare for the movie? What? Thread has forgotten the 7788? (not a die-hard powder!) Character name has been confused? (often the case! Haven't played? (this...) Don't worry, take advantage of this release is still more than ten days, we together to comb the movie background story, but...

标签: 电影