新关注 > 信息聚合 > 晟游CEO贺纪茗:精品H5游戏高效开发


Sheng swim CEO He Jiming: boutique H5 game, development

2015-07-22 14:46:28来源: 新浪

2015iWeb峰会暨攻城师嘉年华(第四届HTML5峰会)7月19日在上海开幕,展会期间,晟游网络CEO贺纪茗发表了《精品H5游戏高效开发》的主题演讲。 贺纪茗:作为一名游戏行业的创业者,今天在这里跟大家分享一些关于如何高效开发精品H5游戏的心得。首先,晟游是一家追求极致精品游戏的公...

2015iWeb summit and siege division Carnival (fourth HTML5 Summit) on July 19, opened in Shanghai, during the exhibition, Sheng travel network CEO Ho Jiming published the "fine H5 game, development" theme speech. He Jiming: as a gaming industry entrepreneurs, here today to share with you some of the experience on how to develop a high efficiency H5 game. First of all, Sheng tour is a pursuit of the ultimate quality of the game...

标签: 游戏 H5