新关注 > 信息聚合 > 开服送好礼《暴走亚瑟王》诚意活动启动


Open service to send gifts sorcerer King Arthur "sincerity activities start

2015-07-15 16:58:26来源: 不凡游戏网

史上首款飞行空战ARPG手游《暴走亚瑟王》于7月14日上午11点开启了火爆安卓封测,届时一大波礼包和丰厚的活动奖励等玩家来赢取。为回馈广大玩家对《暴走亚瑟王》的厚爱和支持,官方在封测期间为玩家精心准备了奖品丰厚的活动,精彩活动一波接一波,玩《暴走亚瑟王》豪礼享不停! 活动一:角色冲级...

in the history of the first paragraph combat flight ARPG tour sorcerer King Arthur" on the morning of July 14, 11 opened the popular Android beta, then a wavelet package and rich activities rewards players to win. For the majority of players back to the sorcerer King Arthur "love and support, the official during the beta players carefully prepared prizes activities, exciting activities wave after wave, play sorcerer King Arthur" Ho ceremony to enjoy non-stop! Activity: the role of leveling.