新关注 > 信息聚合 > 46名NBA球员出战此次里约奥运会_NBA新闻


46 NBA players played in the Olympic Games in Rio _NBA News

2016-08-06 19:13:40来源: 华体网

体育8月6日讯 今年里约奥运会男篮的比赛马上就将打响,一共有46名NBA球员出战这次奥运会的比赛。 其中美国男篮国家队队中在NBA征战的球员最多,共有12人,他们分别是凯文-杜兰特、德马库斯-考辛...

Sports News August 6 this year, the Rio Olympic men's basketball tournament will be started immediately, a total of 46 NBA players played in the Olympic Games. Which the United States men's basketball national team in the NBA players most, a total of 12 people, they are Kevin - Durant, Demarcus - test oct ...