新关注 > 信息聚合 > 慈禧太后罕见老照片对比流传画像:真实长相究竟..


Empress dowager rare old photograph contrast circulating portraits: looked like real..

2016-03-13 00:32:19来源: 新华报业网

一个曾经辉煌的王朝,在她的手里走向最后的没落;两个少年天子,被她玩弄于股掌之间,形同虚设。嗜权如命的慈禧,何以能够在男人统治的世界里纵横捭 阖,掌控大清王朝近半个世纪?《百家讲坛》主讲人隋丽娟教授洗...

A glorious dynasty once, in her hand to the final decline; Two young son of heaven, and play with her at the palm between, useless. Empress dowager cixi's rights such as life, how can in the male-dominated world of vertical and horizontal Bai closed, control of qing dynasty nearly half a century? "Lecture room" the speaker professor SuiLiJuan wash...