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“国民闺女”关晓彤北电报到 大学四年以学业为主

"National girl" xiaotong guan nortel reporting for the university four years is given priority to with school

2016-09-05 06:06:32来源: 中国新闻网

京华时报讯(记者任珊)昨天,北京电影学院迎来2016级新生报到第二天,备受关注的新生、“国民闺女”关晓彤终于现身报到。今年7月她以文化课、专业课双料第一的好成绩被表演系录取,谈及大学四年的生活,关晓彤十分期待,表示将以学业为主,希望能向师哥师姐们请教,把理论知识学好。 上午9点半左右...

Jinghua times dispatch (reporter Ren Shan) yesterday, the Beijing film academy in 2016 freshmen to report for duty on the second day, the high-profile, "national girl" new report xiaotong guan finally appeared. In July to academic performance, professional class double first good result was admitted, about four years of university life, xiaotong guan really looking forward to, said it would give priority to with school, hope to be able to consult shigeshijiemen and to learn the theoretical knowledge well. Around half past nine in the morning...