新关注 > 信息聚合 > 京东发布《关于禁售游戏的公告》,动森FIFA等多款作品在列


Jingdong released the announcement on banning the sale of games, and many works such as kinemori FIFA are listed

2021-09-03 10:34:36来源: 游戏时光

昨日,京东在自家平台「麦头条」发布了《关于禁售游戏》的公告,强调「未经审批备案的游戏不得出售」,并列出了 87 款禁售游戏。京东还表示,将针对此类商品「形成常态化高压治理」。公告全文如下:

Yesterday, JD released the announcement on banned games on its platform "wheat bar", emphasizing that "games without approval and filing shall not be sold", and listed 87 banned games. JD also said that it would "form a normalized high-pressure governance" for such commodities. The full text of the announcement is as follows:

标签: 游戏 京东