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全线攻坚无锁定厮杀 制胜黑金瓦尔加德副本

Tackling the across the board without locking fight winning a copy of the Hecking Varga de

2015-08-17 18:44:58来源: 17173

以打造史诗级魔幻巅峰为目标的《黑金》,其不断深化的跨服功能、战场分边和师徒系统,将无锁定战斗、载具大战场、短平快冒险以及海底大地宫有机地结合起来,追求“千变战场 自由乱斗”的战斗效果和三百平方公里的蒙特尔战场大地图,这在瓦尔加德副本中尤为明显,给予玩家们的也是更刺激的游戏体验。 瓦尔...

to create epic fantasy peak for the target of "black gold", the deepening of cross functional service, battlefield side parting and mentoring system, there will be no locking fighting, loaded with large battlefield, Duanpingkuai adventure and underwater palace organically, the pursuit of "changing battlefield freely scuffle" combat effectiveness and 300 square kilometers of Montel battlefield map, which in Valgarde copy is particularly evident, giving players and more stimulating, gaming experience. Wahl...