新关注 > 信息聚合 > 《守望先锋2》执行制作人将于9月24日离开暴雪


The executive producer of "watch pioneer 2" will leave blizzard on September 24

2021-09-22 10:31:04来源: 游戏时光

据彭博社报道,《守望先锋2》的执行制作人 Chacko Sonny 将于本周五(9 月 24 日)离开暴雪,他也曾参与《守望先锋》的制作。消息公布后,动视暴雪的股价在本周二下午下跌了 4.1%。这是暴雪近期离开的又一名高管,上个月暴雪娱乐的总裁 J. Allen Brack 宣布将离开暴雪,去寻找新的机会,由其他人来领导暴雪。暴雪事后给 polygon 发了一则声明,其中并没有提及 Chacko Sonny 的离职是否与暴雪的职场丑闻有关。他们在声明中表示 Chacko Sonny 已经为暴雪服务了五年,需要休息一段时间。同时《守望先锋2》开发顺利,目前游戏已经进入制作的最终阶段,他们将在月末的守望先锋联赛上公布更多关于《守望先锋2》的消息。来源:彭博社,polygon

According to Bloomberg, CHACKO Sonny, executive producer of "watch pioneer 2", who also participated in the production of "watch pioneer", will leave blizzard on Friday (September 24). After the news, Activision Blizzard's share price fell 4.1% on Tuesday afternoon. This is another executive who left Blizzard recently. Last month, J. Allen Brack, President of Blizzard Entertainment, announced that he would leave Blizzard to look for new opportunities for others to lead blizzard. Blizzard later sent a statement to polygon, which did not mention whether CHACKO Sonny's resignation was related to Blizzard's workplace scandal. They said in a statement that CHACKO Sonny has served Blizzard for five years and needs to rest for a period of time. At the same time, the development of "watch pioneer 2" is smooth. At present, the game has entered the final stage of production. They will announce more news about "watch pioneer 2" at the watch pioneer League at the end of the month. Source: Bloomberg, polygon

标签: 守望先锋 暴雪