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Activision Blizzard, the end of eternity

2021-11-23 17:44:00来源: 触乐

动视暴雪最近陷入了一桩巨大的性骚扰丑闻中, 我们不知道它会如何、什么时候,甚至能不能结束。从最近数个月的新闻看来,你甚至看不出它是一家游戏公司。我们上次看到动视暴雪的正面新闻是什么时候?也许是《守望先锋》刚发售的那个夏天。夏天总会结束,即使你不愿承认,但有关暴雪的坏消息仍接连不断,昭示着它的时代也许行将结束。 无论结局如何,我们仍需回望过去,知道它下落的轨迹。 ■ 跌落冰封王座 暴雪的确经历过无比辉煌的时刻,也许这件事在几十年后的孩子们看来冰冷而陌生,但对世纪末的电脑玩家而言,这份记忆尤其强烈。《星际争霸》《魔兽争霸3》和《暗黑破坏神2》撑起电脑游戏的半壁江山。过了些年,《魔兽世界》接过大旗,成为历史上最好的MMORPG游戏。那时候,暴雪在即时战略游戏(RTS)和大型多人在线游戏(MMO)上没有敌手,除&l

Activision Blizzard has recently fallen into a huge sexual harassment scandal. We don't know how, when or even whether it will end. From the news in recent months, you can't even see that it is a game company. When was the last time we saw the positive news of Activision Blizzard? Maybe it was the summer when the watch pioneer was just released. Summer will always end, even if you don't want to admit it, but the bad news about Blizzard continues, indicating that its era may be coming to an end.

标签: 暴雪