新关注 > 信息聚合 > 暴雪将更改《守望先锋》角色“麦克雷”的名字


Blizzard will change the name of the character "McRae" in the watch pioneer

2021-08-27 10:11:35来源: 游戏时光

《守望先锋》官推今日宣布,将更改游戏角色“麦克雷”的名字,未来不再以真实员工的名字命名游戏角色。“麦克雷”的名字来源于前《暗黑破坏神4》首席设计师杰西麦克雷(Jesse McCree),此人因涉嫌性骚扰,已于 8 月离职。官方表示,当我们继续讨论如何最好地践行我们的价值观,并承诺在这个我们创造的游戏世界里反映这些价值观时,我们认为有必要将麦克雷这名英雄的名字改为更能代表《守望先锋》的名字。” 根据公告,更换“麦克雷”的名称需要一段时间。由于在原计划今年 9 月推出的新内容 —— 一条新的故事线和游戏内容中,“麦克雷”占据重要部分,因此新的内容更新将延期到今年晚些时候。为此,官方表示将在 9 月推出新的死斗地图。 官方同时表示,今后游

The official push of "watch pioneer" announced today that it will change the name of the game character "McRae" and will no longer name the game character after the real employee in the future“ McRae's name comes from Jesse Mccree, the former chief designer of Diablo 4, who left in August on suspicion of sexual harassment. Officials said that when we continue to discuss how to best practice our values and promise to reflect these values in the game world we create, we think it is necessary to change the name of the hero McRae to a name more representative of the watchman. "& amp; nbsp; & amp; nbsp; & amp; nbsp; According to the announcement, it will take some time to change the name of "McRae". Since "McRae" occupies an important part of the new content originally planned to be launched in September this year - a new story line and game content, the new content update will be postponed until later this year. To this end, officials said they would launch a new dead fight map in September& amp; nbsp; & amp; nbsp; & amp; nbsp; Officials also said that in the future

标签: 守望先锋 暴雪