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《暗黑破坏神 不朽》为暴雪带来超2400万美元的收入

Diablo immortality brings Blizzard more than $24million in revenue

2022-06-19 11:40:33来源: 游戏时光

根据 Pocket Gamer 统计数据,《暗黑破坏神 不朽》在上线两周内为暴雪带来了超过 2400 万美元的收入。这使得《暗黑破坏神 不朽》成为暴雪在移动游戏领域的收入第二高的产品,仅次于《炉石传说》的移动端版本。数据显示,本作在美国的收入占所有收入的 43%,而韩国则占 23%,随后是日本、德国和加拿大分别占 8%、6% 和 3%,其余 17% 的收入来自其他市场。 尽管收入表现强劲,但本作的评价褒贬不一,此前一度以 0.2/10 的评分成为 Metacritic 上评分最低的游戏。来源:VGC

According to & nbsp; Pocket Gamer& nbsp; Statistics show that Diablo immortality has brought Blizzard more than $24million in revenue within two weeks of its launch. This makes Diablo immortal the second highest revenue product of blizzard in the field of mobile games, second only to the mobile version of hearthstone legend. According to the data, the revenue of this work in the United States accounts for 43% of all revenue, while that in South Korea accounts for 23%, followed by Japan, Germany and Canada, accounting for 8%, 6% and 3% respectively. The remaining 17% of revenue comes from other markets.

标签: 暴雪