新关注 > 信息聚合 > 暴雪老员工出任《暗黑破坏神4》游戏总监 开发继续进行

暴雪老员工出任《暗黑破坏神4》游戏总监 开发继续进行

Old Blizzard employees served as the game director of Diablo 4, and the development continued

2021-10-08 11:12:19来源: 游戏时光

今日(10 月 8 日)凌晨时分,暴雪发布了《暗黑破坏神4》的季度更新公告。根据公告内容,暴雪老员工 Joe Shely 已成为本作的新任游戏总监。 Joe Shely 《暗黑破坏神4》游戏总监原由 Luis Barriga 担任。但因公司内部问题,Barriga 在今年 8 月被暴雪解雇。另一方面,Joe Shely 于 2007 年加入暴雪,曾担任过《暗黑破坏神3》高级游戏设计师。2017 年,Shely 成为《暗黑破坏神4》开发团队的一员,并带领团队设计了 2019 年「暴雪嘉年华」上的《暗黑破坏神4》试玩 Demo。Shely 在更新公告中说道:我是《暗黑破坏神4》开发团队中的 Joe Shely。最早从一开始,我便负责担任首席设计师,很荣幸有机会参与制作这款风格黑暗的

In the early morning of today (October 8), Blizzard released the quarterly update announcement of Diablo 4. According to the announcement, Joe shely, an old employee of Blizzard, has become the new game director of the work& amp; nbsp; Joe Shely& nbsp;& amp; nbsp; The game director of Diablo 4 was originally Luis Barriga. But Barriga was fired by blizzard in August because of internal problems. On the other hand, Joe shely joined blizzard in 2007 and worked as a senior game designer for Diablo 3. In 2017, shely became a member of the development team of Diablo 4 and led the team to design the demo of Diablo 4 at the blizzard Carnival in 2019. Shely said in the update announcement: I'm Joe shely from the Diablo 4 development team. As the chief designer from the very beginning, I was honored to have the opportunity to participate in the production of this dark style

标签: 游戏 暴雪